Grandmas bracelet

In Attire
My grandmas bracelet
My grandmas bracelet

The object that represents my story is my grandmother's bracelet. This item has helped me become the person I am today. This bracelet helped me to finally be comfortable with how I look and feel about myself. My grandmother's bracelet has blue beads with tiny gold beads in between every other blue bead. I don’t know exactly how my grandma came here from Mexico but I do know that she came here after my mom. When I was growing up, I always saw my grandmother wear the bracelet wherever she went. She would never leave the house without any jewelry on. I always admired her bracelets and she knew it. 3 years ago, my grandparents moved to McAllen Texas. The day before my grandmother had to go to the airport, she gave me her bracelet. I immediately started crying. I grew up with my grandmother always being there for me, and now she was moving away to get better health care for my grandpa who has Alzheimer’s. This object has helped me feel more connected to my grandparents because now I know that no matter what, my  grandparents will always be there for me, even if we are 1,159.11 miles away.

Place(s): Mexico
Year: 1980

– Isabella

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant