gold /sliver necklace
My family are religous but not so much. We do praise the lord and pray for those who are dying, bad things or any upcoming events that should be prayed for. My mother loves to go to Sunday church once in a while or as a whole family. That being said we are Catholic, that means Catholics worship the One and Only God, who is the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). We also believe the forgiveness of sins. Moving on, Children around the age of 7-8 do their first holy communion. First Holy Communion is a religious ceremony done in church by Catholics, when as the first time that they accept the bread and wine. The bread signifies the body of Jesus, the wine represents Jesus blood. The reason I have this necklace is because of my God mother. Right after the ceremony she gave it to me in front of the church as a gift. I admire how she gave me this necklace because she said in Spanish "Que sigue siendo la nina que eres y que dios te la bendidgia" which means still be the girl that you are and god bless you.
– lizbeth pozo
Relationship: unknown unknown