Food Fried chicken
An object that represents my life is my grandma's fried chicken. When my grandma was struggling in Vietnam, she made fried chicken as her comfort meal. Fried chicken would make her happy. Back in Vietnam, my Grandma loved to eat fried chicken. One time when I was sick, my Grandma made fried chicken for breakfast, and I was happy and mad at the same time because eating fried chicken for breakfast is kinda weird. My Grandma knew that I was sick, and she made fried chicken to make me feel better, and now I am happy till this day. To this day, my grandma's fried chicken is the heart of this family. My grandma came to the U.S. on the boat, and during the tough times, she would make fried chicken for my mom and her siblings when they were kids. When my Grandma makes fried chicken, she puts in a bunch of seasoning and other ingredients, and my Mom would always try it. When my Grandma was having a tough time in Vietnam, she would eat fried chicken as her comfort meal. Fried chicken makes her happy.
– Taylor
Relationship: Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant