
This is a feather that my mom found.
This is a feather that my mom found.

I chose to write about a feather that was significant to my mom because of my grandfather and is now significant to me. When my grandpa was really sick, my mom asked him to send her feathers as a way to connect them after he passed. When he eventually did pass away she didn't receive anything for a while. One day she was away with my dad and they had just been outside. They were looking for somewhere to sit down. My mom had been reading a book about how feathers are a symbol of someone who passed away trying to connect to their loved ones. When my mom had asked my grandpa to send her feathers, she did not know about this. As my dad and mom went to find seats they realized they were all taken. They went to another room and sitting on the table was the feather. It was in a very random spot and not where a turkey feather would normally be. They would not have found this if any of the seats were available where they originally were standing. My mom realized the significance of the feather and took it home. It is sitting in a frame in our house, along with many other feather decorations. Following this instance, they found many more feathers at significant times in weird locations. Feathers help us feel connected to my grandfather. I do believe that they are more than a coincidence, and they are a symbol of my grandfather's connection to me and my family. 

– RR

Relationship:  unknown unknown