Family Tree


My family tree is important to my family because we pray around it. Every family event, we gather around the family tree and thank God for everything he has given us. We are lucky today to have our family together through it all. Our family tree symbolizes us coming together. Although we may not see each other everyday, our family tree is a reminder that we may not be physically together, but we will always be in each other's hearts. Around the family tree there are also butterflies that surround it. The butterflies represent growth. My family left the Dominican Republic so we could have better opportunities. These better opportunities have helped us grow. Just like butterflies, we continue to grow individually and as a family. Our love for each other grows and our motivation to become the best versions of ourselves also grows.

– Dixiory Burgos

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child