Family Photos

Relationship: Im/migrant
My brother and me.
My brother and me.

My artifact shows a picture of my little brother and me. It reveals how my brother was before and after 2 or 3 months. It helps me to see the whole process that my mother pass to finally have her new son. Those pictures helps me to see how much he grew up during this first 3 months. Also shows me his first clothes or how happy my mother was 16 years after having her first son, me.

Pictures are really important. By this artifact I can show pictures to my little brother in a future. When he grows up he can see and talk about his memories. Also I can learn more about how to take better pictures. Who knows, maybe one day I can be a professional photographer.

Pictures represents a life for me and my brother. They make me see my best moments with him. It could also help me see how much he change during the first months. I can even see how big he was on my mother’s stomach. But also I can really notice how my mother works hard to give him the best as he’s growing.

Place(s): El Salvador, Annapolis MD
Year: 2014

– Josue S.

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant