Family Photo

Family Pictures
Family Pictures

My artifact is a picture of my great great grandfather's family. He is 10 or 11 years old in the picture. He was born in the year 1890 or 1889. It was taken in Damascus, Syria before he came to the USA. He left on a ship called the Alice in 1910 right before the Ottoman Empire declared that anyone who was 20 or above had to serve in the military. (Syria was a part of the Ottoman Empire at the time). He came to Ellis Island and met up with his brother.
I chose this artifact because it's one of the only things that connects me to the Syrian part of my family. It is connected to my mom’s side of the family. The picture was passed down to me. There was a store my great great grandfather opened for thirty years during the Great Depression. It was called Buckley's Market. He helped people get food during the Great Depression by trading with them; he only taught his kids one word of Arabic.

Place(s): Syria

– AP

Relationship:  unknown unknown