These cufflinks were given to me by my mother, from her father, who’s father immigrated to America from Lithuania. My great grandfather brought very few things from Lithuania with him, since it was such a long and difficult journey, and the only thing I know in my life that were his are these cufflinks and a pair of brass candlesticks. It's funny to think that the only things which I know him by come in pairs, but I’m not really sure what that says about our relationship. I don’t really know the exact story of these cufflinks, although my guess as a jeweler is that they were made in the US after he came. Like the cufflinks, I really don’t know much about him, but his immigration to the US gave my grandfather the chance to become a banker and make his way up in the world. I imagine that these silver cufflinks might have been passed on to my grandfather when he started working like the way they were passed to me when I was old enough to be wearing cuff linked shirts. That being said, wearing those shirts never really felt like they fit, and I don't think I want to be like him and desperately reach for the top. Although I don’t think I’ll follow the same path as my great grandfather or grandfather, I’m honored to inherit their hard working spirit.
– Avalon Palmer
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more