

Religion has been around for centuries and has been a part of my family for a long time as well. Religion is my family's heirloom, specifically the Catholic faith. With my great grandpa on my Dad’s side immigrating from Italy and my great great grandparents on my Mom’s side immigrating from Poland my family's immigration story is still relatively young. The overlap between Poland and Italy is their country's religion, the Roman Catholic faith. Both countries have strong relations to the Catholic church, just like my family. Though each side of my family have immigrated from different places they are each a part of the Catholic faith. I went to Catholic school from 1st grade to 8th grade, and so have my siblings. We have learned much about the Catholic faith, and by high school we are given the choice to continue our faith in the Catholic church by going through confirmation. That brings me to my object, a cross given to my grandparents on their wedding day over 40 years ago. Similarly, I was given a cross when I was born and so were my siblings. Crosses are a symbol of our faith, and an object that we take pride in having and putting in our households. 

Place(s): Poland and Italy

– Isabella Mezzenga

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more