
In Attire
Relationship: Im/migrant

A. Identify your object (2 sentences)1: The object I chose is a blanket. This object represents my story because I brought it from Colombia. This object is important to me because my grandmother gave it to me. In my family, we always use it when we sit on the grass, it has always been a tradition, and this object reminds me of that.For example, when I was younger, my family used to cover me with it when I was a baby, and this object represents that experience. My mom and dad brought this object from Colombia, and it reminds me of their trip . Whenever I see/use this object, I feel connected to my family because it is very special to me and I want to give it to my children when they grow up.

Place(s): Colombia
Year: 2023

– Sara Correa Gamba

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant