Christmas Tree

This is a faux Christmas tree.
This is a faux Christmas tree.

This faux Christmas tree is special to me because it gives my family a chance to reminisce about old memories we had about trips, birthday’s, and past down gifts. This tree, along with the angel seen at the top of the tree, came from my mom’s childhood home and was given to her by my grandparents. While we put up the tree, we watch Christmas movies like Scrooged (1988), How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966), and short movies from The Original Christmas Classics Anniversary Collector’s Edition. This tradition has been something to look forward to and something that my mom has loved since she was a child. The tree may take forever to put up and decorate, but it is fun and worth it. One day my parents may pass it down to me or my other siblings.

Place(s): Virginia

– MO.

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more