
This potato chip bag is the beginning of my family history and connects deeply to our memory and food. It was made in the 1980's and is the legacy my grandfather Felix Asensio has left for all those who carry his name. Patatas Margarita was founded in the 1950's and was a hugely successful potato chip company that my family still benefits from today, despite the company being sold to Frito Lay in 2000. I was born in Florida so I grew up cherishing the moment when a family member would bring these chips from Colombia. It has always been something I have been incredibly proud of, bringing friends in school a bag just so they could have the incredible, tasty experience of them. It is a family tradition to have potato chips with lemon and my aunts and uncles speak warmly of the Fabrica days. It was a family business in every way, as everyone's skill was used in some way. For example my aunt is a chemist and she is the one who engineered the flavourings of the chips and my uncles, both artists, would design the packaging and advertisements. It is what keeps me connected to Colombia and keeps my mom and her brothers and sisters deeply connected to the memory of their father and mother who built it up from scratch. I owe what this potato chip bag represents, the closeness I enjoy with my family.

Year: 1996

– Gabriela Velasco

Relationship:  unknown unknown