Childhood Games
Within The Salvadoran Culture, there are children's games. Do you know which games, your parents play? I think that many people do not know Salvadoran games. I said if I made a video of only young people who are Salvadoran and if I ask them questions about the most popular games in El Salvador, some will say the correct answer. Some people will not do it, because they know them by different names. Here I leave you some names of the best-known games. Those games, most of them played, some of these I played. They are my memories that I will never forget, those games are my childhood. The other game is pluck onion/ arranca cebolla in Spanish, consisting of making a line where everyone grabs each other by the waist starting from the tree or post/poste. The player who acts as the onion must remain firmly attached to the tree while others pull on it until released. Hider, this game can hold many participants. It begins when a player is selected to count for up to 10 seconds with their arms learning a wall, tree or pole while the other players hide. Once the count is finished, the boy or girl will search. These are some games that remind me of my childhood in Salvador.
– JC
Relationship: Im/migrant Im/migrant