Chan Pui Mui


   Chan Pui Mui (Cantonese) 甜梅脯 or Chan Pui Mei (Mandarin)甜梅脯Pronounced Chom-pay-moy which means sweet preserved plum is a traditional Chinese candy made of preserved plums, sugar, salt and sometimes mandarin peel, ginger and liquorice. It is originally from China, but Hawaii and Japan also have their own versions of it. It helps with nausea too. Honestly I have never met a kid who likes them, but I love them. I think it’s an acquired taste.
   Hawthorn Flakes are exactly what they sound like, flakes of hawthorn. Hawthorns also known as mayflowers, quickthorns and thornapples are a fruit found all over the world and are used for many health benefits such as helping to prevent heart disease and help control high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It can also help the skin to treat boils and skin sores. They are designed to look like mini firecrackers. It’s the complete opposite of the Chan Pui Mui. Everybody loves them but personally I don’t really like them that much.    My Grandpa’s Dad came over from China, but his Mom was born in San Francisco and we don’t know how long their family was there for before they moved to New York or who came over from China.The reason that I chose these objects is because they’re a big part of my family. My Grandpa and dad ate them a ton growing up and still eats them. My Grandpa growing up lived in Long Island where they were the only Chinese family there and the only place you could get them was in Manhattan in Chinatown. So whenever his dad went into Manhattan he would wait eagerly at the door to get some of the candy.

Place(s): China

– MW

Relationship:  unknown unknown