Box of Seedpods
My family isn’t really one for talking about the past, but I know my grandparents were the first to move to Georgia on my dad’s side and as for my mom’s side of the family I honestly have no idea how many generations have lived in that same state. Regardless of familial lineage, I think that place, and where we grow up, influences us as much as the people we are surrrounded by. I randomly collected these seed pods a few years ago from my dad’s house and put them in this old necklace box my sister had. My dad has lived in that house for over a decade now and it’s where I spent a lot of time until moving out for college. I think of the red maples with their falling samaras and stepping on spikey sweetgum balls hidden in the grass when I think of that house. I’m not sure of my so-called ‘origins’ but I do know that these seed pods represent what I consider home. But fortunately for me, maples, pignut hickories, and sweetgum trees happen to grow in a lot of different places.
– Roxy
Relationship: unknown unknown