Blue Scarf

In Attire

This scarf is like one of many that my grandma sewed in her spare time. But this one is specially for me because she made it with my favorite color. She immigrated to California in the 1960's but then came back to Mexico while my grandpa stayed in California working in the farms to send money to my grandma. Later when all my aunts and uncles were born they mostly started to immigrate to California briefly before coming to Minnesota or going back to Mexico. Knowing that they lived in Minnesota and being told that the winters were very cold my grandma started knitting scarves for everyone. When she did come she came during Christmas  therefore the scarves becoming presents. For the most part everyone still has their scarf and where it when she’s around she visits twice a year and always asks us if we still have our scarves if not she’ll knit us another. She knits all sorts of stuff know from blankets to socks to gloves. 

Place(s): Mexico,California,Minnesota

– Angel L.

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant