birthday Lei´s

In Attire
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Picture from my birthday.
Picture from my birthday.

 What is your object?My object is called birthday lei. Lei’s are flowers, shells,fruits,beads and/or other objects that can be woven into a necklace. Ancient Polynesian, Hawaiian, and Asian cultures developed the custom of putting leis on each. In most cultures, leis are given as a symbol of love, friendship, celebration, honor or greeting.
What is it used for?
In my family, the birthday lei tradition was started by my grandmother when my mom was a kid. My mom passed the birthday lei’s to my brothers and I.  I hope to pass this tradition to my family. This tradition is important to me because it brings my family together, allowing us to support and celebrate each other. I like seeing how much everyone has grown.
How is it used?
Aside from lei’s there are a few items that are placed on the birthday person. The birthday glasses, which started on my eldest brother’s first birthday. The crown, that was added on my second birthday.  Recently, my other brother added a pool float on his sixteenth birthday. Whoever’s birthday was last puts on all the birthday items for the new birthday person and gives them a hug. Then the birthday person takes their official birthday photo, and then a few with family. My favorite part of this tradition is when someone adds a new item on a special  birthday.

Place(s): Hawaii

– SM

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant