
In Fun
Relationship: Im/migrant
The prettiest girl in the world.
The prettiest girl in the world.

Bella came to me on the lowest point of my life. In June of 2021 after a hard battle I lost my dog, Shay, to blood cancer. He had been my rock for 7 years and it hurt me so bad I got into a big depression. In September of that same year my mom surprised me with the news that she had bought a puppy from a family friend who would be born in October, I got so happy that I started crying when she told me. 3 months after that we flew to Miami so we could pick her up and her little face has lightened up my days since then. It has been almost 4 years since I got her and she saved me by bringing so much joy into my life, the one only a dog does. I love you, Bella. 

Place(s): Venezuela/Miami/New York
Year: 2017

– VA

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant