
In Fun
Relationship: Im/migrant
A player posterizing his opponent
A player posterizing his opponent

My object is basketball.  It is fun and dangerous.  A basketball can be any color but in the NBA the color is orange.  It has four lines on it.  It is made of leather.  You use it by bouncing and shooting it in the hoop or net.  It comes from America but other countries like Philippines, Australia, Canada. It’s connected to my brother and family.  It connects to a regular season, playoffs, demi finals, semi finals, eastern conference final, western conference finals, and the finals.  It connects to me and my identity because I started playing basketball when I was little.  It represent me because my brother, and friends put me on to play basketball .There are rules in basketball such as: Only five players per team on the court, score more than your opponents to win, score within the shot clock, dribbling advance the ball  ball and ball handlers must remain inbounds.

Place(s): America
Year: 2012

– Mamadou Bah

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant