Art Journal

In Fun

My object is my favorite art journal.  It has a leather cover and it has tons of used pages. I keep it safe and tucked away behind my other art supplies. I got it awhile back at a Michael's store during 5th grade.  I have been sketching and doodling in it for what feels like forever.  Most of the time I spend an hour or more on my drawings, which are Manga and realistic sketches. They all mean a lot to me because I can see my skills over time and it has a lot of my favorite pieces in there as well.  I also have different memories in my art.  Like on the flight to Mexico, I drew my favorite drawing I have ever done, and now every time I see it, it reminds of going to Mexico.  It also show that I am an artist.  I would say I am more of an artist than anything, more than a soccer player, softball player, biker, etc.  So it always reminds me that I am an artist, even if I just glance at it.  But most of all it reminds me of how I have improved over a 10 month span.

Year: 1789

– KC

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more