Baseball Jersey

In Attire
 Schwarber Jersey my mom and dad got me
Schwarber Jersey my mom and dad got me

My baseball jersey is one of my prized possessions because my mom and dad gave it to me for Christmas and it is one of my favorite players ever. It is a tradition for me and my family to watch baseball and go to the games and it is special to me because I get to spend time with my family and the crowd of others.It makes me feel good and cool like other people. It also makes me feel like I'm the coolest person ever when I put it on.It is made from cotton and is hand-stitched by people in the shop and they can make it anytime it really feels special to have someone make it handmade.In conclusion, this is why my baseball jersey is special to me and special to my family.

Place(s): USA,Philly

– Cole Oeschger

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more