Bangladesh Coins

Relationship: Im/migrant
Bangladesh Coins
Bangladesh Coins

Me and my family immigrated here from Bangladesh ten years ago when I was two months old. With us we also brought some coins. My dad used these coins to buy food, water, clothes ect. When we immigrated here, we used them to remind us of our origin. These coins are made out of metal and made in Bangladesh.
I chose this item because my dad brought it from my home country Bangladesh. This item is important to me because I can look at it and remember where I am from. My object is a coin. It teaches me that coins are different in different countries. It also teaches me that different countries have different currencies, for example one dollar in the United States is 107.92 in Bangladesh money called "taka". Me and my family immigrated ten years ago. This object is very important to my family.
A question I have is how did you put the face of the founder of Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s face on a coin? Me and my family moved to America and are living a great life. Me and my family still look at these coins and remember our roots.

Place(s): Bangladesh
Year: 2013

– FH

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant