Albert Einstein Letter
This is a letter from Albert Einstein (who is a Jew) to my great-great grandfather. Albert Einstein is thanking Harold Gleitsman (my great-great grandfather) for bringing Jews to America and saving them from Nazi’s. This is right before WWII. This has been passed down three generations, my great-great grandfather to my great grandfather to my grandfather. There have been copies made, I have one of the copies while the original is at my grandpa’s house. This shows how our family takes pride in being Jewish, Even though this isn’t a story of immigration or migration it relates to it. My great-great grandfathers father had come from Austria to escape persecution and for a better life, I think one of the reasons my great-great grandfather helped the Jews escape from Nazi rule and persecution was because his father had been through the same thing, so he wanted to give something back by saving people from religious persecution. Overall this letter is a staple in my family because it shows our family giving back, but it also tells a story about immigration and religious persecution and how we got through it.
– L.S
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more