Abuelita's Blanket

Abuelita's Blanket
Abuelita's Blanket

This blanket is significant to my story because it is an item that connects my whole family to my Abuelita. My Abuelita is the matriarch of our family and she shares her wisdom and experience with all of us. She came to the United States from Spain when she was 14 years old on Pan Am Airlines. Although she always tells me she wasn't happy about coming to the United States, she knew she would be able to establish a good life here. Her and my Abuelito established themselves here in New York & started their own little family. After having my uncle and my mom, my Abuelita's life was consumed with being home & tending to her children. My Abuelito was the bread winner who worked his way up the ladder at ConEd. Although my Abuelita's work was connected to the work of the home, she is the most hardworking, intelligent person I have ever met & she is truly my role model. The blanket connects each member of my family to her because to this day, my Abuelita still travels to and from Spain. Every time she travels to Spain, she always brings back one of these blankets to give to each member of my family. Each year after each trip, she brings back only one blanket & we never know who she will give it to. As our family grows, she usually gives them to our newest family members. This blanket is our connection to her, her journey to the United States, our heritage & her story.

Place(s): Spain, New YOrk


Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant