Abuelita Hot Chocolate

Relationship: Child of im/migrant

           My mother quit going to school to provide for her family household at age 15. She said with watering eyes that she felt trapped and that all the opportunities that she once had were stripped from her. She would soon journey to the U.S. in search of the American Dream for herself and her future children.             When she was eighteen she crossed to the U.S. The mountainous terrain, scorching sun, and clinging thirst made the journey almost impossible. However, she made it over to San Diego and lived there for 4 years before moving to Los Angeles. She said it was tough living in unknown territory without being able to speak the native language. She took on many jobs in garment factories before becoming a housekeeper, a job that she still does today. She now owns her own home and is a citizen of the United States. “El viaje y desfios valieron la pena. Mis hijos vienen bien y se estan educando, todo lo que desearia haber tenido. Si tuviera que hacerlo todo de Nuevo lo haria”. (The journey was worth it. My children live well and are studying, everything I would have wished for myself. If I had to do it all over again, I would).         As I reached the bottom of my cup of hot chocolate, I looked up at my mother and smiled. My mother brought her traditions with her: food, stories, and our family favorite, “Abuelita” hot chocolate. Sitting around a table with a cup "chocolate caliente" , it is certain that a good story will be told and traditions will be preserved.

Year: 1993

– Sharon Aguirre

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant