Wooden Carving Last Supper

Wooden carving of the Last Supper.
Wooden carving of the Last Supper.

When my grandmother was three years old, her entire family emigrated from the Azores in Portugal. Having grown up in New Bedford with very little money, she had few valuable possessions, besides a wood carving of the last supper that she kept until the day she died. My grandmother´s name was Sophia Perrera de Ponte, but she always insisted that everyone call her Sophie. She was extremely catholic, as most Portuguese people are but she valued everyone's beliefs and practices. Her story is similar to my best friend´s family history considering her family emigrated from the Azores as well. This carving, to me, represents my grandmother and who she was as a person, that is truly what makes it special to my family.

Place(s): Azores, Portugal
Year: 1917

– OH

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant