I'm mixed, half-Mexican, but I was only around my Mexican family for a short time. I did not grow up with my dad, I only saw him occasionally when he would pick me up to visit my family or to hang out with my sister on his side for the day, and all I know about his past is that he came here from Acapulco to escape the cartel. I didn't grow up learning how to be Mexican.
My grandma married my grandpa a long time ago, he's from Guam mixed with some Filipino. I spend a lot of time at my grandparents' house; that's the place where my family goes to hang out and eat. Where we go for the holidays, where he and my grandma cook for everybody. My grandpa is where I picked up a lot of the culture is a part of me today. To me, this Wok represents a lot; it's his and my grandma's.
My grandpa taught me how to cook lumpia, rice, fried rice, Pho, etc. The way I eat, behave, and even view family is largely thanks to him and my grandma. It was so difficult for me to pick an item or to go with this item because I'm mainly Mexican, even though I didn't grow up with the culture and was raised with an entirely different one. I was scared that if I picked this, people would think I'm trying to be something that I'm not. This Wok represents family, culture, and the values that I've learned throughout my life.
– SK
Relationship: Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant