Wilson A800 Baseball Mitt

In Fun
Wilson A800 optima baseball mitt
Wilson A800 optima baseball mitt
Story pending

Crack! The ball goes flying, everyone looks up and it goes over the fence for a homerun! In the picture is the Wilson A800 optima mitt, one of the 3 mitts I used when I used to play baseball. To me, not only is baseball is the best sport in the world, but I have also been a diehard Mets fan since the day I was born. Despite that they have not been good for a long time, and caused me a lot of heartbreak over the years, I still love watching them and I truly believe they can win it all within the next few years. I started playing baseball when I was in kindergarten and stopped playing in ninth grade, but I have still stayed close with the sport, and I love learning more about the game. Although many people have different opinions than me about baseball, I agree that sometimes MLB games can be a little bit boring and slow, but when you get a really good baseball game, with tons of action, there is nothing more fun and exciting to watch. Some of my favorite moments in my life are related to baseball: Winning my little league championship game on a walk off the day before my birthday, watching the Mets going to the World Series in 2015, and going to countless mets games over the years. My father and I used to have a tradition where we would always have a baseball catch in other countries on our vacations, no matter if we were on the sidewalk in Paris or on the beaches of Aruba. Iĺl always remember these baseball moments and how they have changed my life.

Year: 1950

– Aaron Rofe

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant