Why I love Venezuela

Relationship: Im/migrant
La Bandera Venezolana
La Bandera Venezolana
Story pending

 Venezuela is a country on the northern coast of South America.With various natural attractions there are tropical tourist islands among them the Margarita Island and the Los Roques Archipelago.To the northwest is the Andes mountain range and the city of Mérida, and the capital Caracas.
Traditions and CustomsMasses throughout the country, being a traditional and Catholic country. Masses are an important element during Christmas. Hallacas and ham bread, inn/carols and Christmas tree, holiday festivities. I love Venezuela because it is big and beautiful.Venezuelan culture is a melting pot that integrates Venezuela. The melting pot is of indigenous, African, and Spanish families. 
Although it is far from Venezuela, that is where I was born. Although I am in a new country I feel strange because it is not my Venezuela, but I will follow my traditions and customs. Here I will learn new things.- VH

Place(s): Venezuela
Year: 2024

– VH

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant