Whale minorah
This is the Menorah that my family has had for many years and resembles the many dogs that my family has had in the year. Also, the Jewish religion community uses this every single year for Hanukkah and it actually isn't the only one we've had. I broke the last one feeding my dog and it was very funny but very pricey and my parents were very mad. My entire family has the same one and it's also an object that some of my friends have. The dog split in half and my actual dog tried to eat it so it was a very funny font memory. This memory also happened to my Grandparents when they broke their own menorah. Also, during my bar mitzvah this was a big symbol of hope and I would keep on going back and lighting the candles. These candles were also used throughout my entire life and during the holidays we light the menorah with different family member and this is a treasure that I am able to treasure during my life.
– ZG
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more