vics vaporub


My grandmother pronounces vaporub like vapuru and growing up its always was a part of my life. In my family and my culture, vapuru can heal every sickness along with a lullaby like “Sana, sana, colita de rana, Si no sana hoy, sanará mañana”. This is a song of healing for children and it basically says if you don't get healed today you'll heal tomorrow. Scientist say smell plays an important role in remembering memories. When I was younger, all my cousins and siblings would go over to my grandmother’s house while our parents would work. That being said when one of us was sick, all of us got sick. My grandma had all the medicine at hand for us, but I can never remember a time she didn't resort to vapuru. She would always just set us all up in one room comfy with pillows and blankets on the floor and basically bathe us with vapuru. As a kid, I always have trouble breathing and sleeping so my grandma would put vapuru on a little rag and tell me to smell it. Still to this day when I can't sleep I put vapuru on a little blanket and smell it and I can always fall asleep.

Place(s): Dominican Republic
Year: 1980

– NN

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant