Traditional Sunday Dinner

Eldest and youngest family members
Eldest and youngest family members
Story pending

Our large extended family all reside within California. When my great grandfather moved from Oklahoma to California with his children they all settled here. They all branched out from Pomona to LA to Lancaster to Ventura and the furthest distance to Berkeley. Starting back during my grandfathers generation it was expected that everyone in the family attend Sunday family dinner. If your family did not show up you would receive a call from the Eldest female, my great grandma. This same tradition has carried on for many decades. Here we often do a potluck sharing perfected recipes like Mac and cheese, oxtails, liver and onions, friend chicken, yams, and vegetables from my great grandpas gardens. It’s a time where we reflect on what’s happened in our lives. It is at these meeting that we can talk about anything and gather support or seek advice for dilemmas and announce special times to come like marriages, graduations, etc. 

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more