Traditional Stein

In Fun
Relationship: Im/migrant
This is a traditional Stein.
This is a traditional Stein.

  I chose a Stein for my family object. It is used when we celebrate amazing things that happen in our life. The beer mug came from Germany, from my grandpa. My mother brings it out on special occasions. She doesn’t drink beer or any alcoholic beverages besides wine, so when she brings it out, it’s only for a special occasion. When my mom came to America, her family was mad at her for leaving them, but she was too much in love with the United States. She became an au pair in LA and started her life. Her family might have been mad at her, but they still visit and we still visit them. Whenever they come and visit, they bring us treats and presents from Germany, and when we visit, we bring them treats from the US.  A big special occasion in Germany is when the entire town transforms itself into a medieval village and everyone wears medieval clothing and brings their mugs for a great time. The drinking age there is 16 so you have teenagers drinking with their parents and friends. This connects to me because I have grown up around alcohol my entire life. All of my parents are or once were, winemakers, and whenever my dad came back from work he would drink a beer and barbeque for hours. He would always encourage us to watch him barbecue so he could teach us how to do it. My grandpa in Germany always has a beer in his hand and he is one of the happiest people I know. A lot of people say alcohol turns people into dangerous and reckless people, but luckily I haven’t come across that in my family. 

Place(s): Germany
Year: 1989

– Fynn Foster

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant