Tortilla Presser from Mexico

My Grandpas Tortilla presser from Mexico
My Grandpas Tortilla presser from Mexico
Story pending

After being abandoned by his adopted family while working for barely any money, my grandpa migrated from Chihuahua, Mexico after being abandoned by his adopted family and had no choice but to come over to the U.S. for a better life where he met my grandma in Colorado. They both moved to Florida together to start a family. This wooden tortilla presser was handmade and brought by my grandparents at a rancho in Mexico which are like little local markets where you buy things for your household and is also why it has no trademark or “made in Mexico” stamp on it. Nowadays they visit Mexico very little and had gotten this tortilla presser a very very long time ago. This tortilla presser isn't really the type where you press it down on the other side to flatten out the masa to shape the tortilla, but it's more used on the stove to keep the tortilla flat on the heat when it bubbles of hot air arise while they're on the stove or pan which is why it looks burnt on the bottom. While visiting my  grandparents in Florida I saw this tortilla presser and ended up really liking it. Even though he had it for a long time my grandpa let me take it with me home to new york because i liked it so much and we still use it all the time, not only just for tortillas but to press down sandwiches on the stove or other foods so it's multi-purposeful. 

Place(s): Mexico

– Krystal Torres

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant