Tortilla Press

Tortilla Press
Tortilla Press
Story pending

My story is about a tortilla press. This tortilla presser has been in my family for four generations now. This item has lasted because it's made out of iron so it's hard for it to break. A tortilla presser is used to make some delicious handmade tortillas. For Mexicans over the centuries, the tortilla has served as the spoon, fork, and plate. You may wonder how it came into my life. Well, one day my great grandfather gave it to my great grandmother as a gift. As years went by she decided to give it to her daughter, my grandma. My grandma used it in her teen years up until my mother turned thirteen. At age thirteen my mother became the owner of it and still to this day uses it. I know soon it will be mine as I get trained to prepare the tortilla dough. My mother takes good care of it and places it in a safe place so the object can get far in life within our family. Although it takes a process to make handmade tortillas it's worth it because it really gives an extraordinary taste to your food. 

Place(s): Mexico

– Yareli

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more