Tortilla Press

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
my mom's tortilla press from 2000.
my mom's tortilla press from 2000.
Story pending

 Both of my parents come from families that don’t make good money to support their families. For that reason, my parents didn’t want their future children to suffer the same ways they did. They made a sacrifice to leave their country and family, so my sister and I wouldn’t have to suffer like they did. My parents came to the US in 1999, when my parents came to the US everything was foreign to them, the language, the people, and most foods. My parents always talk to me and my sister about all the delicious food they ate in Mexico, and how fresh and organic all the food  was. In the year 2000, my parents lived in Brooklyn. In Brooklyn, there are many stores where you can buy objects that were made in Mexico and brought to the US for selling. My mom bought a tortilla press maker. With that my mom could make tortillas with a more homemade taste. Whenever we are craving a fresher tortilla my mom will mix the tortilla dough and use the press to make perfect tortillas. I remember my parents teaching me how to use the tortilla press, I wasn’t good at it. My grandma sent me a small tortilla press from Mexico, that way I could have fun or practice whenever my mom would cook something using the press. I’m glad that this is something I know of and could make for whenever I want something that reminds me of my background and culture.

Place(s): Mexico, New York
Year: 1999

– Jackelin Vargas

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant