The Purisima

“¿Quién causa tanta alegría?”
“¿Quién causa tanta alegría?”

The “purisima” is a tradition from the Catholic religion.  Traditions vary by city, but typically Nicaraguans build an altar in their homes and welcome friends, family, and neighbors. Children go from altar to altar singing popular songs and asking: “¿Quién causa tanta alegría?”(“Who causes so much joy?”)The owners repeat the chorus and distribute small gifts, usually food, such as drinks and sweets. The best gift of all, equivalent to receiving a giant candy bar while trick-or-treating, is a “nacatamal”, a large tamale filled with a full meal of pork, rice, potatoes, and more, which is wrapped and steamed in leaves. Regardless of whether you were Catholic or another religion, most people celebrated it.  It is celebrated between November 28 and December 8.  It connects with my identity because it was part of my childhood and I always like how people get fun going to this Catholic celebration.  Now I live in the United States and I miss this celebration so much.

Place(s): Nicaragua

– CF

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more