The Pan Flute

In Attire
The Pan Flute
The Pan Flute
Story pending

This is a famous instrument named “The Pan Flute” used in Ecuador. It's used to make music, especially folk. This was hanging above my grandparents' bed. My grandpa would tell millions of stories just with this instrument alone. While growing up in Ecuador, there were lots of festivals in Quito, which was a neighborhood in Ecuador and where he grew up. His family loved instruments and music, such as Cumbia, and Pasillo. He learned how to play the Plan Flute by himself and soon after that my grandfather and his sibling would make a band called Los Hermanos, which translates to The Brothers. They learned how to make songs and play for the locals. They played for events at parties, festivals, and in the neighborhood. The events in Ecuador are huge over there. We call it carnival. It wouldn't just be a day - these types of events went on for weeks. People would dress up in colorful clothing and dance and have water fights. Just in all, have a good time celebrating Ecuador.  After my grandpa grew older and met my grandma, he decided to move to the states. Even when he was away form his family in Ecuador, he would visit every summer. And after every trip he would bring back treats such as cheese, bread, candy, and jewelry. To this day he plays for us and teaches us. I'm glad he tells us these stories about Ecuador, and it shows how much pride I have within myself and with my family. Im am proud to say Im Ecuadorian!

Place(s): Quito, Ecuador
Year: 1975

– AleXia Guzman

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child