The Only Picture

My parents wedding day
My parents wedding day

I have no memories of ever living with both of my parents at the same time. The last time I was in my dad's arms was when I was three years old. That was the last memory I had with him, and I have not seen him since. 
My parents had to marry; they had no other choice because my mom was expecting me. My dad said he was going to come to America, and he promised to come back to our village of Limon Pozas, outside of Quezaltepeque, but it never happened. 

Until recently, I didn’t know anything about him. In fact, my mom and my uncle had to take on the role of the father. My mom took care of me when I was sick, and my uncle taught me how to defend myself by teaching me “boys stuff.” For example, he taught me how to play wrestle, and jump on the back of moving cars. 
This picture is really meaningful to me because it is the only picture I have of my dad and my mom together. Even though my dad has not been with me for almost 15 years, I still want to know him. I want to feel his warmth. I want him to tell me his reasons for leaving me. 

I wish I grew up in a family unit, but it didn’t happen. It wasn’t meant to be. This picture is the only way I can see my mother and my father together. It is the closest thing I have to a “complete family.” 

Place(s): Guatemala

– O

Relationship:  unknown unknown