The most beautiful love letter

Relationship: Im/migrant
The most beautiful love letter
The most beautiful love letter

February 14, 2019. Valentine’s day. A day that would mark my life forever. It was during this year that I fell in love with a boy that made me feel guilty and bad about myself. That morning, he did something that really broke my heart and disappointed me.

I stayed after school for sports, trying to keep my mind off of my bad day. When I arrived at my house at 6:30 pm, I was surprised with a letter that my mom had left for me on my bed. Next to the letter was some chocolate. My mom had gone to work and was going to come back around 10:00 pm. We hadn't seen each other since I left for school early that morning.

When I read that letter, it was like medicine for my heart. The letter said, “2-14-2019. Nancy love, friendship is not just February 14. It’s every single day. Before you were born, I already loved you so much. My love is to take care of and worry about you and make sure that you are good. Sincerely, the person that loves you more…well second after God.” 

Tears of joy flowed from my eyes because I felt that these words came at the perfect moment. It was a moment that I will never forget. I love my mom so much because she works incredibly hard to give me all she can, and she teaches me to keep fighting even when I think I can’t anymore. TE AMO, SANDRITA!!! 

Place(s): Maryland

– NH

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant