The house that became ours

In Fun
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
The house that we bought in Hungary
The house that we bought in Hungary
Story pending

My mother was born and raised in Hungary, so Hungarian culture has always been a very big part of our lives. Since I remember, we have been going to Hungary for the summer. It’s always been very important for my mom that we learn Hungarian correctly, since it was her first language. We have moved back and forth between Hungary and the U.S. many times, and the most recent one was for the pandemic. Part of me has always resented Hungary a little bit, just because of past bad experiences I’ve had, and I was very scared to move back to Hungary. We moved to Hévíz, a small town 2 hours away from the capital, and I was scared for my life. Those two years ended up being maybe the best years of my life. I learned so much as a person, and I think that was where I transitioned from child to young adult. The second year, we ended up living in a different house than the year before. It was a beautiful house, and we were so sad about leaving it behind. Then the house went up for sale, and an opportunity presented itself. And we took it. We bought the house, while renting it to people for the summer. I think the house is more of a symbol than an object for me. It symbolizes my parents' hard work, their commitment to culture, and just how big the impact of another country has on us and our family.

Place(s): Hungary

– Zoe M.

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant