The Holy Cross

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
My mother's cross
My mother's cross
Story pending

The Holy Cross in this image belongs to my mother, who immigrated from Mexico to the United States in the 90s. This cross was gifted to her in her early childhood. My mother was brought up with a strong Catholic background, which has continued to be implemented within the newer generations of our family. She found comfort in this cross during hardships and tribulations, bringing it with her when she crossed the border alone, and feeling a great sense of protection from it. In 1992, my mom immigrated to the United States, with the intention of reuniting with her siblings, and finding a better job. Being a young woman traveling alone into the United States, my mother encountered numerous individuals with ill intentions. She recalled a specific occurrence during her journey, which involved a man who tried to take advantage of her. My mom said she reached into her pocket and clutched the cross, like she had done many times before. Miraculously, nothing happened to her, and the cross has since become an important part of our family faith and tradition. Our faith is the backbone of my family, and it has protected my family throughout all of their journeys as migrants.          

Place(s): Mexico
Year: 1990

– Christina Ramirez

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant