The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible
The Holy Bible

Title: The Book of Faith 
The Holy Bible is a large book of 600-800 stories that is used to guide Christians to live a holy life. I was raised in a religious home and a Christian Pentecostal Church. I had always been interested in Bible stories after learning about them in Sunday school. I knew about the stories, but I didn’t know the message and how to follow the religion. Growing up, I've seen people having breakthroughs and having spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues and I've always wondered what that feels like. In the Bible, speaking in tongues is not speaking to people, you’re speaking to God. As I got older, I wanted to take my religion seriously and follow it. The Bible connects to my American roots because because Christianity spread through the Atlantic Slave Trade and it was used during the Civil Rights Movement. This connects with me because I am a Black American who grew up in church and learning about the Bible. The Bible is still being used today and millions of Black Americans are Christians and are following it. This also identifies with me because I'm  also Caribbean and my grandparents are from St Lucia. Christianity is also in the Caribbean as well. The Bible has been used in both America and the Caribbean because of the European colonizers bring it there. 

Place(s): New York and St Lucia
Year: 1978

– Christian Bess

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant