The Family Heirloom Spoon

Spoon carved from an antler
Spoon carved from an antler
Story pending

This spoon is from my mom's side of the family, and it comes from her great great great grandfather. It's a spoon carved out of a deer antler, and it has been passed down in my family for many years. He was from Germany, but he moved here when he was an adult, and the first thing he did was hunt a deer and carve a spoon out of the antler that he could use. He used it for quite some time until he met his wife and they had a kid together. After he had his first kid, he decided that he wanted it as a family heirloom, as it was a mark of when our family first came to America. It has been passed down and it was kept in a box that was made by his son, but the box broke when it was dropped and broken by my great grandfather.

Place(s): Germany, Washington State

– CK

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more