Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear
Story pending

An important and meaningful object to me is this small teddy bear with a keychain. The bear is a light brown color with sewed on black eyes and on the stomach it has a pink sewed on the square with a rosy pink letter “A” in the middle. It also has a violet ribbon around its neck. It is significant to me because it was a gift given by my dad when I was born. When I was younger, I didn't know the importance of the bear so I will think less of it and always lose it. Around 7 years old I started taking it everywhere with me and I always kept it on my backpack. One time I put the bear in my backpack and the keychain wasn't working so the bear fell to the ground. It scared me how I could easily lose my bear so I stopped taking it everywhere and kept it in a safe place at home. A few years later I took the bear to Mexico since it reminded me of my parents and I was going to be far away from them. I then started taking the bear with me all the time in a bag whenever I felt like I was far from my family. Over time I learned the bear has a deep meaning which is whenever my parents aren't with me I can look at the bear and be reminded that they care for me.

Place(s): Minneapolis, MN

– Aylin Romero

Relationship:  unknown unknown