
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Tacos with condiments to add
Tacos with condiments to add

 Whenever I eat tacos there is a sense of bliss, there is no particular holiday or event I strongly associate with tacos but, the feeling of family and security is a feeling I do heavily associate with tacos. Through out my life during family gatherings it was almost a guarantee that tacos would be served to everyone to serve as a calm and delicious break between the adults talking and the kids playing around the yard a time where all would come together and interact. The one person I most associate with tacos however is my mom. My mom is from Durango, Mexico and she and my father met and started dating in high school. Just like the stories told by Latinos in 1880 who would go to America because it was a shining beacon of freedom and opportunity. They then immigrated to America find more jobs to provide a future for me and my four siblings. Both of my parents working to provide food on the table are aspects of my life I took for granted when I was a child but now simple foods such as tacos remind me of the hard work my parents had gone through and, I want to be able to live up to and repay that hard work a thousand times over. Now even though I cook for myself different kinds of foods I always feel the pull of Mexican food and I am excited when ever I can sit down with my family and just enjoy some tacos with them at the table. 

Place(s): California
Year: 1996

– CR

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant