Super 8 film and projector

Relationship: Child of im/migrant

My father was a doctor, who immigrated with my mother to the US in the 50s from the Philippines. But really, he was a filmmaker. I am the youngest sibling in my family by 10 years, which made the family movie nights really magic windows into my own family's Before Phillip years. My parents also hardly ever spoke about their immigration story, little stories would come out in drips and drabs. But all those hours in the dark, listening to the clickety clack of the projector, as well as the tense minutes when the film would break, burst into flames, the bulb would blow, reconnect, re splice, and restart, really affected me deeply in ways that I only have come to appreciate now. It was these moments, the interactive storytelling narration over these silent films, this pride of documentation and mastery (somewhat) of the latest technology, the desire to capture these stories, and pride in being part of them, all clearly affected my own trajectory and my own desire to do this in my own life....

Year: 1960

– Phillip Tiongson

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant