Suffed Squid and Red Sauce

Stuffed squid and red sauce
Stuffed squid and red sauce

Stuffed squid and red sauce is a traditional Italian dish and this represents my cultural identity because I am mainly Italian. This dish consists of squid stuffed with an assortment of meat or vegetables. My Grandfather has been making this dish every Christmas for many years. I have fond memories of sitting down at my grandparents' kitchen table with a full plate of food and enjoying dinner with my whole family during the Christmas season. This recipe was passed down to my Grandfather by his mother who had gotten it from her father and so on. My great great grandmother, Alfonsina,  migrated from Sicily, Italy to New York and they went through Ellis island. My family’s story is unique because it is a representation of how family traditions can be carried along through generations and throughout the world. As my Great Great Grandmother came to the United States she did not bring much with her. She had to fight for a job and over time she became assimilated into the American society, however one tradition that has persisted along with Alfonsina is this Stuffed Squid. This story connects to that of other immigrants.  I have heard stories of families coming to America to try and obtain a greater life, and along with them comes their culture.

– OS

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more