Stuffed Monkey

Relationship: Im/migrant
A stuffed monkey given to me.
A stuffed monkey given to me.
Story pending

I was born in Durango, Mexico, on April 27, 2003; my childhood was very short in Mexico because I was about two years old, my family decided to come to America. At the time, my parents were not making much money even though they worked endlessly, and having the responsibility of raising a child was an arduous task, especially on the wages they had. My dad worked in construction and my mom in a restaurant but still lacked the money to raise me. So, my father decided it was best if we came to America because he was told by his relatives that lived in America that they played well here, and with my family's situation, he had no other choice. My father was the first one to leave for America. He came to Lake Arrowhead, California, and worked for about a year or so until he had enough money to pay for my mother and me to come to America. My mother told me that when we first arrived here, she did not like it very much; she did not understand the language and did not know anyone. She wanted to go back and see her family and friends but knew that this was the best thing to do for me. My dad also missed his old life, and as much as he wanted to go back, he knew that in Mexico, we would not have made it. My parents sacrificed a lot for me to have a better life. My mother also told me that when we first arrived here, I would cry a lot, so my godfather gifted me a brown stuffed monkey, which calmed me down.I still have this monkey to this very day. It symbolizes the struggles and sacrifices that my parents had to make to give me a better life, and I will forever be grateful for that. 

Place(s): United States,California
Year: 2005

– Rafael Gonzalez

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant