Stuffed horse

In Fun
my horse
my horse
Story pending

 Something that was passed down to me was a stuffed horse named Kyrgesh from Kyrgyzstan.  It is just a small horse made from poly fiber, and it was used for me to play with.   This is pretty special because it came from a far part of the world and it has more value to me because of that.    I got this because I was moving away so this was kind of a goodbye gift and it was basically the only thing that I got before I left.  I had it since I was 7 and I still have it in my room to this day because it really doesn't need to go anywhere.   I came here to the United States at 7 and learned English in a year.    I had a pretty easy time getting used to the United States and I have not gone back to Kyrgyzstan since then.  This horse reminds me where I came from and how I got it and who I am today.  

Place(s): America, Kyrgyzstan
Year: 2015

– Franko

Relationship:  unknown unknown
